CSD has got an extensive experience and capabilities to assist Clients and Partners on Projects from the first concept phase to the final detailed design, assessing feasibilities and offering alternative solutions that can save time and cost.
We pride of a collaborative and open approach in the planning and execution of agreed designs, achieving efficient project delivery time frames within the appropriate managed and monitored controls, quality and risk mitigation strategies and always meeting the highest Safety and Environmental standards. We have also the Ability to operate as D&C, EPC, EPCM through our net of strategic partnerships, we can offer various options of project delivery models such as Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), Lump sum, Target Cost Estimate with risk / reward and or Open Book Reimbursable Risk Reward EPC basis, giving a wide range of flexibility to end Clients.

Our Solutions
- Project Management and Project Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Piping Engineering
- Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
- Control System Engineering
- Procurement and Contract Management
- Construction Management
- Commissioning and Plant Start-Up
Our hands-on approach to project execution, coupled with our extensive local and global experience, provide a unique balance of expertise, commitment and innovation assuring successful delivery through all project stages.
Our mission is to provide the highest possible value based on the established individual reputations of its management team and the assembly of highly motivated teams of project personnel with a track record of working together on greenfield and brownfield projects.